Commercial Laundry Service
How It Works
After registering for laundry service, you will receive a laundry bag with no weight limit. Typically, our regular size bag holds up to 25 lbs, and our large bag 35 pounds.
Fill the bag up with your dirty laundry. There is no weight limit, the bag just needs to be closed securely with the draw string. Only clothes/linens that can be washed and dried should be put in the bag. Clothes that require special handling/dry cleaning should not be included in your laundry bag.
We’ll come by at predetermined time and location to pick up you dirty laundry.
Your clothes are brought back to our facility where they are sorted, washed, dried (on medium heat to prevent shrinking), folded and wrapped in plastic to protect your freshly laundered clothes. Nice clothes (collared shirts, dresses, dress pants, etc) will be returned on hangers.
48 hours after pick-up, your clothes are returned folded and ready to use.
Laundry Service Schedule
Our service operates year round except during major holidays.
Special accommodations for holiday seasons can be made at your request.
Our Guarantee
We guarantee you will be pleased with the level of service you receive. If you’re unhappy for any reason, that bag of laundry will be free. Sign up today to try us risk free!